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Breaking Bread with Benn Grim

Apr 10, 2019

Ceschi (Pronounced Chess-Key) Ramos is a New Haven resident and has been one of Connecticut's Hip Hop beacons to the rest of the world for over ten years now. Ceschi and I discuss rap, the music business, politics and the growing climate of racial tension in the hip hop community today. Ceschi also draws some...

Feb 20, 2019

Alex Williams is the owner of Blue Earth Compost in Hartford Connecticut. Blue Earth Compost is a food scrap collection service for residents, events and businesses in Connecticut. They will collect your scraps and deliver the finished product back to you 3 times a year all the while making the whole process clean and...

Jan 1, 2019

Harley Carrara and Steve Karp are 2/4 of the Connecticut Hardcore/Punk band FTE or Front Towards Enemy. FTE was active throughout the 90's and played with other CTHC bands such as Hatebreed, Cornerstone, Fastbreak, Fine Line, Mindwar and Line of Fire. Harley, Steve and I talk about the Connecticut Hardcore scene in that...

Dec 25, 2018

Kane Gelaznik is a local multi-instrumentalist who is proficient in various genres of heavy/obscure music. Kane and I discuss music, life, Connecticut Hardcore, his musical projects and other weird and evil shit. Kane and I each share a paranormal story from our youth and then Kane tells us the secret to playing...

Nov 22, 2018

Brett Maddux is an accomplished poet currently residing in Hartford's blooming West End. Brett is also the Author of BLACKBIRD, 4PM, a robust collection of over 50 poems available through Brett and I sit down and discuss his beginnings in the Iowa hardcore/punk scene, our mutual love for our capital...